“My Inspiration”
Present a sketchbook/ visual diary/ journal which reflects the above title. Designers- successful ones- are confident in their own right and are strong individuals that are not frightened to present what they believe in. Using the template present images related to the following questions:
Where do you like to be?
What's you favourite time of day?
What's your favourite colour?
Who has great style?
What CDs are driving your neighbours mad?
What films do you always rent from the video store?
Do you have any pets?
Which books are on your bedside table?
What were the last things you bought?
What don't you leave home without?
What scent do you wear?
Do you have a motto or a mantra?
Who makes you melt inside?
This is not a project about drawing it is a project about designing and creating a new reality
Design thinking is always linked to an improved future...There are no judgements in design thinking. This eliminates the fear of failure and encourages maximum input and participation. Wild ideas are welcome, since these often lead to the most creative solutions.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia
Designer is a broad term for a person who designs any of a variety of things. That usually implies the task of creating or of being creative in a particular area of expertise. It is frequently used to reference someone who draws or in some ways uses visual cues to organize their work. Designers are usually responsible for making a model that takes into consideration each step in a product's development, including not only how a product will be used but also how it will be made.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia
The aim of the project is that you take the next 2 months to fill your sketch book in any way you choose. This is a new page, it is your new page. Painting, drawing, collage, bits of material or plastic, images, photos, writing, however you find is the best way to communicate.
The questions are simply a starting block to trigger your imagination – there are no right or wrong answers – just start thinking about what motivates you. As you think about what you motivates you, you can also think about what aggravates you – let your designs be a solution.
As a result of your inspirations you can choose to design a product, a building, a piece/ collection of clothing, a painting, a photograph, a piece of writing, anything of your choice.
Maybe you don't consider yourself a designer, at least not yet, that doesn't mean that you aren't one... “Creativity can be learned and must be practised. It is natural for a few people, but within reach of us all” Lets push aside the boundaries and be people who stand up for what we believe in, you can be a designer if you really want to be.
During these 2 months try to spend as much time as you can being inspired. Always take your sketchbook with you, so that if something exciting comes up you can jot it down...We will also try to organise some creative rendez-vous to take the time to inspire each other, including museum visits, trips to the library, watching films etc.
When we next meet (in April) we will review the work that has been done, we will also give comments and encouragement on how to further the work. After which everyone will receive a small painting canvas, on which to present their final idea – the goal being to host an exhibition in Paris.
So think about your design, is it useful or decorative?
Are you ready to present it to the group?
Who would be interested to buy or look at your design, is it offensive, does that matter?
What kind of materials would be needed to make it?
Would it be cost effective, does this matter?
Would it be comfortable to wear/ safe to use?
Are you ready to present it to the group?
Who would be interested to buy or look at your design, is it offensive, does that matter?
What kind of materials would be needed to make it?
Would it be cost effective, does this matter?
Would it be comfortable to wear/ safe to use?