With tears in my eyes and pain in my heart
I lift my hands to you
With the rain on my face, and doubts in my mind
I smile
You hold my future, you are my future.
The burden inside isn't mine to carry
The weight pressing down, is of my own making
Your very strong hand holds onto mine tightly,
guiding me to the place where I belong.
Where you guide me is unimaginable
A place I have craved and longed to see
Colours and beauty invading my being
From glory to glory
Strength to strength
Almighty, Magnificent.
Be not afraid
This is just the beginning
Keep pressing in, keep walking forward
When you fall, rise up
When you weep, I'll dry your tears
Hold on tighter, press in harder
I'm here with you, lighting the way;
Don't give up, don't break down
Keep on believing, keep on moving
I want the best for you, you have the best in you
Step forward, be strong and very courageous
©Copyright Andromeda OLSEN NALUM 12/07/12