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Fashion from the future

I would like to introduce you to a designer called Julian Roberts, I have memories of stories about him, but truth be known, I have only just discovered him for myself. I discovered Julian for real, whilst researching 'pattern magic' with a friend, this bright sunday afternoon after eating Chinese food. So bright, so new, techniques I could only have dreamed of and yet here below you will find links to this creator available and free to all. Why? Beacause he, like me, has decided that it is better to share than to hide, he has decided that he would rather share his techniques with a new and contemporary generation, than to see them die with him. Because watching others live out his techniques reveals new and different beauties that may never have been unveiled except through the eyes and hands of another.

So watch, and listen but more than these shoot, shoot for the moon. You are armed with a bow, and there are arrows in your quiver. Listen to this man, be inspired by a mortal, you have no excuses. This is your time to fire (fire up you imagination), to draw (draw blood) and cut (cut flesh), a time to fight for all that you are dreaming of. This is certainly not the time to turn and run. Show us what you are made of, show us what you believe in. Your actions will reveal your character and your creator, the one who believes in you. The one who has equipped you for the fight. The one who gave beauty a name. The one who calls you beautiful, the one who calls you his own.

This is a reason to live for - to present a visible image of an invisible God.

The Speech

The Subtraction Cuting Demo

The Finale

All garments, video, graphics and websites are copyrighted to Julian Roberts (c) 2009.

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